Friday, February 26, 2010

FOOD !!!!

FOOD !!!!
Food is the primary source of ENERGY, which is required for the proper growth of human being. Some or other form of food stuff is required for all living things. How much importance we give to our food habits. Modern life styles , patterns, culture, and food habits contributes for lot of health, and health related problems. In nutshell we do not have time for anything. Ultimately we do not have time or mind to spare for a systematic life pattern, or desired food habits, disciplined (Personal) way of anything. Finally as two sides of a coin (LIFE) we get along with healthy and diseased pattern of living. One of the reasons having health or related problem is due unsystematic food habits.
Quantity of the food to be taken depends individual energy level needs.
Basically food is prepared in our home kitchen, a lot of positive thought is applied at the time of preparation, as also at the time of serving the food either to the family members or to the guests. Taste of the food, depends on the careful percentage of ingredients addition, with a value added flavour of positive thought, with affection, by the preparer.
After serving the food, few seconds is spent before the food, before we have it, with a positive thought that “ thanks for the food, and this food is going to supply me full level of energy required for the body to perform well.”
It is always recommended that BREAK FAST SHOULD NOT BE SKIPPED. It is suggested that stomach should not be completely filled with food/water. It is always better to leave ¼ of the stomach empty. This will facilitate digestive processing of the food in the stomach.
WATER should not be consumed during the food. But water can be taken either 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the food. This is also done for proper food conversion to energy. Because our food patter will have normally sufficient liquid content to support digestion process.
WATER if properly taken will do the goodness of medicine. It is better to take water periodically in small quantity between MEALS. In the early morning after brushing the teeth if we take 1 or 2 glass of pure water, it is good for health maintenance. Tea or coffee in the morning can be taken after ONE HOUR.
Majority of the people take FRUITS immediately after food. If we mix fruits with cooked food, it will spoil the digestion process. Since the time taken to digest the cooked food is more than the time taken to assimilate fruits effect to our body. Fruits are easily digestible. So fruits can be taken between two food intake. Experts opines that if can take fruits as a full food, it will cleanse the system, and energy will radiate outwards, depends upon the number of occasions we take our food as a only FRUITS – FOOD. It is also recommended that 5 FRUITS can be consumed instead of food on one occasion in 24 hour cycle.
If we develop a habit of inclusion of fruits as a food at least once in a week, then we need not make any visit to beauty parlour for make up of the face.
Normally every time, ¾ of the capacity of the stomach should be filled with food/water, remaining ¼ must be empty. Night food must be very light and about 1/3 of stomach capacity. Night food must be completed 2 hours before going to bed.
• In one of my earlier “write up” , ( TIME AND ORGANS) I have written how our body works and listens, its needs during the 24 hour cycle, for food – rest - sleep etc. *


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