Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Child birth is believed to be an auspicious and rejoicing event for any family. In earlier days child birth normally happened at home, naturally, when it was joint family system. Now a days due to nuclear family system, and more risk is involved, we entrust this job to a gynaecologist in a reputed hospital. Even the things has gone to the extent, to arrange for delivery of the baby in a pre determined day, auspicious star (Nakhshtra). Of course without knowing what is in store for the baby after arrival into this wonderful earth.
After delivery at hospital, normally, the mother and baby is back at home, within a weeks time. Then mother and baby is under the care of Ammamma / Achhamma as the situation may be. From the date of the birth of the baby next 12 days are observed as “Vaalama” (“ Pela ”). On the 12th day the house purified by sprinkling with “ Punyaham”. Beginning from this day the new born baby is to be administered with “VAYAMBU Kuttu ” everyday morning, and “ ANTHI GURUTHI UZIYAL ” in “Thri-sandhya”.
Vayambu kuttu consist of the following ayurvedic items : (1) Vayambu, (2) Erattimaduram, (3) Kadukka, (4) Nellikka, (5) Thannikka, (6) Masikka, (7)Rudraksham, (8)Gold, (9) Sandal, mix with fresh pure hygienic butter.
These items are available as auyrvedic medicinal compound in the market. Item no. 1 to 9 are rubbed in a “chandana chaana” and mixed with fresh butter, and administered to the baby, thrice, thinking of supernatural power (GOD) till the “ Annaprasam “(Chooroon) function, every day morning in front of lighted Nilavilakku facing east.
Administering the vayambu cleanse the baby’s mouth, tongue, stomach, intestine, and all the inner parts of the body and make it ready to receive the external food. This auyrvedic medicinal compound develops self immunity system and protect the baby from infection. This also normally reduce the later possibility of infection and related disease to the baby.
PS: - In the next part we will discuss baby’s “28th Day ( “Irupathettu”) function.
Contribution By : P.V.Rajaram Varier, Member Coimbatore Warrier Samajam, Coimbatore.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
choroon (Anna Prasam)
Earlier in the series we discussed about Vayambu Kodukkal, 28th day function.
The “Choroon” function of the baby is organised after completion of 5th, or 7th, or 9th month but definitely before completion of 12th month. Choose an auspicious day either through your wisdom or in consultation with your elders or through your astrologer.
This function can be normally arranged in any temple of your belief and choice. After the pooja in the temple the chief priest will initiate the process of “Annaprasam “. The combination of items will be explained by the chief priest. Annaprasam function is first initiated by achan, then followed by family members. The name of the baby is again told 3 times to the baby’s right ear, closing the left year of the baby with palm.
After this annaprasam baby can be gradually administered liquid food, then to semi liquid, then to solid food. It is better to give all tastes gradually.
If the Choroon is not conducted in time , the baby will start having tasting of our common food. To avoid this the choroon function is organised by taking the prasadam of the temple first.
(PS : In the next part we will discuss about the 1st Birth day of the baby.)
Contribuiton by : P.V.Rajaram Varier, Member, Coimbatore Warrier Samajam, Coimbatore.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Baby's 28 th day function
Baby’s 28th Day functions - { IRUPATHETTU }
After a baby birth in any family series of functions take place within one year period. Such occasions are always rejoicing get together of friends and relatives. With such functions friends / relatives circle enlarges.
i.e. “ Koodumbol inbam (santhosham) tharunnathu, adu Kudumbam ”.
After the child birth the first event is “Vayambu Kodukkal”.
Then comes baby’s 28th day function, in which the first monthly birth star coincides with the function.
Friends and relatives are invited for the function. Auspicious time is noted by an astrologer for the function. The function is conducted in front of “Nilavilakku” facing east. If the baby is girl ear boring (Kadhu kuthal) also done on the day. Black thread is tied on the hip, Black bangles are worn, gold chain, thala (silver), vala, are worn. “Kanmazhi ” (Ayurvedic preparation ) is applied on the eyes. Some believes in naming the child on this day. The proposed name is told to the baby’s right ear THRICE by achan closing the left ear. After the function all the invitees are offered traditional lunch.
PS: In the next part we will discuss about “ Chooroon ” (Annaprasam) function.
Contribution by : P.V.Rajaram Varier, Member, Coimbatore Warrier Samajam Unit, Coimbatore.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Quotations worth reading
Quotations....... "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are victimised first." "Once you start a working on something, don't Compiled by : ~~~~WAVES~~~~~ |
Monday, July 19, 2010
AT 28.0c a dancer works a sweat in a festival for a dance lesson at Toronto in July
When the mercury moves up to 38.0c , else where media makes a hue and cry for hot news in April ...May
Then glance through below readings recorded at the following places
Athens, Greece 48.0c
Argentina 48.9c
Odonadatta, Australia 50.7c
Israel 53.9c
Death Valley, Calif. 56.7c
El Azizia, Libiya 57.8c
Then the hot summer we have enjoyed is bearable.......!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and bad breath.
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
HCTAW (not so familiar ), read the spelling from right to left, = WATCH (this word is very familiar)
Watch = Dictionary meaning : look at it carefully, understand it carefully.
Watch - we understand as wrist watch. Most of the people wear it, some watches may not be even working due to battery drain out completely. We don’t bother the value of wearing it, the purpose of wearing, still we wear the same. Jocularly we used to say “ why watch is necessary for WATCHMAN ” . Watch is referred to know the TIME. As all of us know TIME is always running forward. Time is not to waste. We have to use it judiciously. Proverb : Time and Tide wait for nobody. It does it duty continuously. Some people wear so tiny watch, to know the time they used to refer others.
If we infer that HCTAW has later referred as WATCH ,( or vice versa ) then let us think this way : ( Kindly read from bottom to top )
H = Heart
C = Character
T = Thought
A = Action
W = Word
Hence when we look at the watch a person is wearing it symbolises the person’s personality in the above mentioned positive traits.
Then comes a thought why there is only “ SECONDS ”, why not “ FIRST ” in a watch. The reason put forward is there can be so many SECONDS, but there can be only one First. That FIRST is retained by the creator of TIME......worth believing !!.
Friday, March 19, 2010
A..B..C..... OF LIFE
A B C of Life
ACCEPT as it is & Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.
Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don’t give up and don’t give in.
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches.
Give more than you planned to give.
Hang on to your dream.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just do it.
Keep on trying, no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier.
Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win, Winners never Quit.
Read study and learn about everything important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own destiny.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualize it.
Want it more than anything.
eXcel at doing your best.
You can do anything you set out to do.
Zero in on your target and go for it.
~~~~ WAVES ~~~~
Friday, March 12, 2010
ON ROAD~~~~~~~~
Every day in and out we come across so many instances and incidences of ACCIDENT on the road, but do we learn anything out of it. So many lives are lost or crushed on the road. This do happen because we never concern others on the road. Hardly any day passes without reporting ROAD ACCIDENT, consequent loss of precious human life, or injury, some times permanent disability.
As long as Casual, reckless, drunken, inexperienced, and driving by persons without obtaining proper license, is there , accidents will happen on the road.
Some drivers use the horns continuously, as if they think that roads will get automatically widened by hearing their blowing musical/air horns.
One of the reasons for accident is not applying the brake in time, reckless driving, showing the DRIVING SKILL on the road, and never keep in mind that roads are used by others too...
Some , not all vehicle users think that they are the ONLY USER in the road. Some use the roads for showing the DRIVING SKILL to others without knowing the consequences of the act.
Some young vehicle riders think that tomorrow they cannot drive fast, so they want to drive to day fast. Some times UNDER AGED persons also drive vehicles.
Some of the vehicle users give scant respect for others on the road, and for road rules for safety of self and others.
Some of the suggestions to reduce accidents on the roads are:
(1) Use vehicle signal light systems to inform your intention to others, so that they can drive accordingly.
(2) Respect road signals, and vehicle users signals and allow other road users, there by you will get the way to move on and on.
(3) Without allowing others to use the road, how one can expect others to allow you to give way.
(4) Always keep a safe distance while driving, cautiously driving can add half of the safe distance for emergency occasions.
(5) Overtake only when you surely want to overtake, no going back once decides, other wise it will make you involve in accident.
(6) Let SPEED of the vehicle is decided by the need.
(7) Normal driving, or rash driving the time saved is negligible, and the saved time is not used for useful purpose.
(8) Driving should not create scare to passengers in the vehicle.
(9) Always think that vehicle is also having a life to live in, do not short circuit it.
(10) Always keep in mind that you are following some vehicles, in the same way some other vehicle is following you. What you expect from the vehicle in front of you, you must show the concern to the vehicle following you.
(11) By driving slow( 4 letter word) you are saving a life (4 letter word) on the road, where as speed ( 5 letter word ) takes you near to death( 5 letter word)
(12) Strictly follow the TRAFFIC RULES, follow traffic signals. NEVER over shoot traffic signal.
(13) AVOID Usage of mobile phones while driving, an unpredictable hazard,
I thought of writing a few lines or tips for the road use, by seeing the scenes on the road every day, out of which some are reported through News paper every day.
BY~~~~~~ WAVE.~~~~~
Monday, March 8, 2010
• I am your constant companion.
• I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
• I will push you forward or drag you down to failure.
• I am completely at your command.
• Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.
• I am easily managed you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.
• I am the servant of all great people, and, alas, of all failures, as well.
• Those who are great, I have made them great.
• Those who are failures, I have made them failures.
• I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person.
• Take me, Train me, Be firm with me and I will place the world at your feet.
• Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
(unable to get nearer to the answer ? then go down in the page)
KEY : 8-1-2-9-20. ( Value of alphabet a=1, b=2…..x=24, y=25, z=26)
Answer is HABIT.
Friday, February 26, 2010
FOOD !!!!
Food is the primary source of ENERGY, which is required for the proper growth of human being. Some or other form of food stuff is required for all living things. How much importance we give to our food habits. Modern life styles , patterns, culture, and food habits contributes for lot of health, and health related problems. In nutshell we do not have time for anything. Ultimately we do not have time or mind to spare for a systematic life pattern, or desired food habits, disciplined (Personal) way of anything. Finally as two sides of a coin (LIFE) we get along with healthy and diseased pattern of living. One of the reasons having health or related problem is due unsystematic food habits.
Quantity of the food to be taken depends individual energy level needs.
Basically food is prepared in our home kitchen, a lot of positive thought is applied at the time of preparation, as also at the time of serving the food either to the family members or to the guests. Taste of the food, depends on the careful percentage of ingredients addition, with a value added flavour of positive thought, with affection, by the preparer.
After serving the food, few seconds is spent before the food, before we have it, with a positive thought that “ thanks for the food, and this food is going to supply me full level of energy required for the body to perform well.”
It is always recommended that BREAK FAST SHOULD NOT BE SKIPPED. It is suggested that stomach should not be completely filled with food/water. It is always better to leave ¼ of the stomach empty. This will facilitate digestive processing of the food in the stomach.
WATER should not be consumed during the food. But water can be taken either 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the food. This is also done for proper food conversion to energy. Because our food patter will have normally sufficient liquid content to support digestion process.
WATER if properly taken will do the goodness of medicine. It is better to take water periodically in small quantity between MEALS. In the early morning after brushing the teeth if we take 1 or 2 glass of pure water, it is good for health maintenance. Tea or coffee in the morning can be taken after ONE HOUR.
Majority of the people take FRUITS immediately after food. If we mix fruits with cooked food, it will spoil the digestion process. Since the time taken to digest the cooked food is more than the time taken to assimilate fruits effect to our body. Fruits are easily digestible. So fruits can be taken between two food intake. Experts opines that if can take fruits as a full food, it will cleanse the system, and energy will radiate outwards, depends upon the number of occasions we take our food as a only FRUITS – FOOD. It is also recommended that 5 FRUITS can be consumed instead of food on one occasion in 24 hour cycle.
If we develop a habit of inclusion of fruits as a food at least once in a week, then we need not make any visit to beauty parlour for make up of the face.
Normally every time, ¾ of the capacity of the stomach should be filled with food/water, remaining ¼ must be empty. Night food must be very light and about 1/3 of stomach capacity. Night food must be completed 2 hours before going to bed.
• In one of my earlier “write up” , ( TIME AND ORGANS) I have written how our body works and listens, its needs during the 24 hour cycle, for food – rest - sleep etc. *
Saturday, February 20, 2010
3 AM to 5 AM.
It is good to wake up at this hour. The ozone content in the atmosphere will be more at this time, Which will give a new lease of energy if we practise breathing exercises, yogasanas, and meditation. Asthama patients cannot sleep in this time and will suffer breathlessness .
5 AM to 7 AM
If a person gets up in this time will not have constipation problem. If bowel’s movements, taking bath in cold water is finished during this time, then he will not have any nervous debility.
7AM to 9 AM
Breakfast should be completed in this time.
9AM to 11 AM
One should not eat or drink anything during this time. Not even a drop of water. If food is taken in this time, it will increase body temperature, tiredness will increase, and digestion power will come down. Particularly diabetic patients will suffer from palpitation, drowsiness etc.
11 AM to 1 PM
Only water can be taken at this time. One shall neither do any hard work, nor sleep at this time. Otherwise carbon di oxide will get mixed more than oxygen and chance of getting a heart attack or paralytic or body pain. Generally Doctors will be on double alert in hospitals during this time because heart or diabetic patients may get heart attack only in this time compared to other hours.
1 PM to 3 PM
After finishing lunch in this time, 5 -10 minutes of rest can be taken, just by closing eyes, Sleep shall be avoided.
3 PM to 5 PM
It is the right time for coffee, tea, or juice etc.
5 PM to 7 PM
This is time to relax from routine work. Otherwise renal failure or urinary infection my trouble.
7 PM to 9 PM
Dinner / Supper should have been finished during this hour. Otherwise chest pain or palpitation may arise.
9 PM to 11 PM
This is the time to re-charge the organs that worked since morning. So one shall go down to sleep, and avoid reading books, watching TV or working with office files.
11PM to 1 AM
One must sleep during this time, otherwise one will not have necessary energy for next day work.
1 AM to 3 AM
This is the time for deep sleep. Otherwise, it will affect eye sight and body irritation.
~~~~~BY WAVES~~~~~
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Then see below :
Roof said : Aim High.
Fan Said : Be cool.
Clock said : Every minute is precious.
Mirror said: Reflect before you act.
Window said : See the world.
Calender Said: Be up to date.
Door said : Push hard to achieve your GOAL.
~~~~~BY WAVE~~~~
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Personality Development - Some aspects
Every one’s personality consists of different aspects. Some are common to all. Some other factors are individual traits. It is not easy to explain one’s personality in few words. If we compare two personality they will have different good aspects. If we can take some serious effort , our qualities can be improve further.
Some persons may be looking attractive and good. But some pitfalls can be here and there. For example a student who earns NUMERO UNO in all fields may not be acceptable to all. Proverb “ All beautiful things are not always good, But good things are always beautiful.”
We can not discern a person by his attractive external qualities alone . Apart from external qualities his habit, character will also support in formation of his personality. The person who are not looking good by his physical appearance will have very good qualities by his habits and behaviour earn the rich encomiums from society.
There are FOUR factors which influence the personality of any individual. They are:
(1) Physical Personality : Good Health, calm pose, ability to survive stressful environment are some of them.
(2)Social Personality : Cultural and social values sympathy, Economical security are components of this trait.
(3)Psychological Personality : Personal values , culture, Approach, way of thinking , emotional balance intelligence and wisdom are some of the traits of this aspect.
(4)Philosophical Personality : Ones values and culture, ideas, matured approach, individual beliefs are some of the traits.
` Hereditary aspects , social circumstances, environment contributes a lot in formation of individual personality . Those who are brought up in a congenial and peaceful family atmosphere came out with very good and successful personality.
Apart from ones coming out from a good family back ground and the circumstances in which one grows will have good effect in formulating good personality.
Very good attractive physical appearance , good language command, good communicating ability clear wisdom or intelligence, good manners and behaviour, ability to survive in any adverse circumstances are some of the good qualities of developing personality.
Tail piece : Our mis- conduct in social or public places which hurts others, egoism, cheating, poor financial dealings will have negative personality effect upon the individual.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The writer suggests some DAILY ROUTINE which can be modified or altered according to needs, without loosing sight of purpose of performing the ACT. ( We know every thing, but the question addressed or repeated is how many of us are knowing the purpose of following the routine in a disciplined manner, and how many of us sincerely practising . The writer felt the present generation have to be educated the value of our rich culture and purpose of following it. Because we conveniently forget/skip every thing in the busiest material life world in which we live in. But we are not forgetting to wear LIVE IN Jeans.
Let the day begins with ideally waking up before sun rise ( not with “ sunrise” coffee without brushing teeth) preferably not later than 06.00 hours in the morning. The timing of wake can be auto suggested to our mind before sleep, (That I want to get up by 6.00am), so that the nature’s alert cycle will give a prompting even without an “alarm clock “. Gradually, and very slowly wake up, and get up from the bed by right side of your body . Rub your both palms gently, and put on both the eyes. Before opening the eyes have the following mantras...”
“ Karaagre vasathe lakshmi,
kara madhye saraswathi,
Kara moole Sri growri,
prabhaate kara darshanam.”
Kindly also ensure that before you touch the floor with the feet, touch the floor with your right hand from the bed and respect the BOOMI DEVI. With chanting the following sloka:
“samudravasane devi
parvathasthana mandale
vishnupatni namasthubhyam
padasparsham kshamaswame “
By this act the static energy stored in the body during sleep is earthed to ground. By this small beginning we need not or will not find fault with others for our failings in the days happenings / transactions. Minimum half an hour early morning brisk walk is good for health maintenance.
Then after regular daily routine such as brushing the teeth, ejecting biological waste from the body, having a hot cup of coffee / tea/ or hot water, have bath in the normal temperature water (old age people or diseased people can have bath in warm/hot water ) and light our traditional lamp in the pooja room with ELLENNA. The lamp having flames on two sides diagoanally First EAST direction, the other on West direction. Light the east wick first, then light west wick thereafter in the clock wise direction, and have a small conversation in the POOJA ROOM with the SUPER NATURAL POWER /GOD as we perceive with the chanting of mantras we know, in order to get concentration and power, energy for the whole day work/duty/job... On special occasions we can have the lamp lit as above in five equidistant direction, with the one facing in EAST DIRECTION. On this process the first wick to be lighted must be EAST direction, the follow other wicks lighting in clock wise direction only, and touch the first wick once again. By this act we are respecting PANJA BOOTHAS that is five elements on earth (BHOOMI, JALAM, AGNI, VAYU, AND AKAASHAM). This make us to remind that this FIVE elements available in nature is available in our body. In the Pooja Room prayer the following lines can also included.
“ AUM ”
Day by day I am feeling better, I will not be angry today, I will not be worrying today,
I love all living things, I will do all my duties, I establish the divine presence on earth,
I Thank ALMIGHTY for all the happenings and blessings,
I thank me ......( in the blank space insert your name).
After break fast (Never skip break fast) every one according to our karmas we are moving to our site for performing our duties...School / College/ Office. / work place.
During the day we come across so many types of happenings....pleasant, happy uncomfortable...unwanted, undesirable .....should not happened to / with me..... I should not have done this...... I am sorry for this.....I feel sorry......I repent.....etc.
But the results are effects of some happenings, which we cannot stop. We know only everything after happening. We have to remember that FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION ( i.e CAUSES & EFFECT )
If we are following the FOUR STEPS ladder for our happenings many of the unpleasant happenings and repenting later can be avoided. They are, before doing/saying anything ensure the following steps are not missed or omitted.
(1) SEE
(2) LOOK
(4) ACT.
In the evening we are back home from the work place. Dinner time can be 1 ½ to 2 hours before going to sleep. After dinner a small distance strolling is good. Quantity of dinner can be ¼ of ¾ of individuals quota. Day food can be ¾ of quota. Avoid drinking water in between and during food. One can drink a small quantity of water 15 minutes before food or required quantity of water after 15 mts of finishing food. Other wise water will retard/slow/spoil the digestion process.
Sufficient quantity of quality food, required sleep ( 6 to 8 hrs ), moderate thoughts, desirable health habits, sufficient rest, some relaxation by listening to mild music, maintenance of personal /healh/hygene/food /habits discipline is always good. Never starve sleep between 12.00 hrs midnight to 04.00 hours in the early morning.
Go to bed only when you feel of talking rest in the form of sleep. In the night before going to bed for sleep, sit in the bed, relax the whole body, recollect in the mind the happenings of the day in the form of audio/video thoughts, classify the thoughts /happenings as positive or negative. Store the positive happenings/thoughts in the form of your experience in your memory for future reference. Delete the negative thoughts/happenings from the mind in the form of suggestion .. “ ARINJO ARIYATHAYOO CHEYTHA SAMASTHA APARADHANGALUM PORUTHU KAKKENAME ” if this suggestion is accepted by your mind your inner eyes will be wet. With this the bad or debit transactions are permanently deleted from the mind transaction book. In other words all the BAD transactions are DEBIT ENTRY
And all the positive and good transactions are CREDIT ENTRY in the mind transaction book. Instruct the mind in the form of suggestion, to permanently delete all the DEBIT entry , and store all the CREIT entry for future reference. With this your experienced mind has learned the activity of cleaning the mind every day , by auto suggestion. After this activity, gradually lean to bed for sleep, body left side sleeping is good for chemical activity in the stomach, you will get a very good SLEEP. While getting up from the bed lift the body from right side.
We will discuss more aspects of life at a later article.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
One night I had a dream.
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the God, and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I notice TWO sets of foot prints in the sand, one belong to me the other to God.
When the last scene of my life flashed before us I looked back at the foot prints in the sand, I noticed that many times along the path of life there was only ONE set of foot prints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and the saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me and I QUESTIONED the God about it “ God you said that once I decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the most trouble some time in my life there is only one set of foot prints.
I don’t understand why in times when I needed you most you would leave me.
GOD replied : - my precious precious child I love you, and I would never never leave you during your times of trials and sufferings.